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The Full Story


International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada


This Local is dedicated to the principles of trade unionism.  Its objectives are to unite all workers within its jurisdiction for the following purposes. To improve wages, hours of work, job security and working conditions; To establish peaceful and harmonious relations between members and their employers; To increase the stability of the industry; To assure full employment; To promote and support democracy and free trade unionism; To engage in such other activities as may be necessary or proper to strengthen the labor movement and to extend the process of collective bargaining throughout all trades and industries.


This Local shall endeavor to accomplish the foregoing objectives by organizing the unorganized, educating its membership, negotiating collective bargaining agreements with employers, securing progressive legislation and by all other appropriate means within the International.


Move the local into modern standard in regard to training and benefits. Push to increase membership increasing the locals negotiating power. Ensure all work spaces are inclusive of all workers. Increase involvement with the community. 


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